Wednesday, July 30, 2008

AFGHANISTAN - Why preserve the nation of Afghanistan?

AFGHANISTAN - Why preserve this nation?

The war on terrorism took the United States to Afghanistan and both the Taliban and Islamic fundamentalists were soon beaten. Yet this success was built on regional cooperation, for the Northern Alliance was supported by both the Russian Federation and Iran; while Russia gave her approval for the nations of Central Asia to help the United States and American bases were allowed.

Yet what now? Does the international community really believe that different ethnic and religious groups want to live together? Or maybe the international community will be brave enough to de-Islamize this land via education, health care facilities, law, and other important institutions and services?

Alternatively, does the international community really believe that Afghanistan can be preserved under conservative Islam, albeit under Western "eyes?" If so, why do they think this? For all indicators appear that either ethnic or religious conflicts will continue, and that conservative Islam will hold-back modernity and fail to set women free from their bondage.
Or is the international community merely spending vast resources on preserving elites deemed to be partners and on schemes which sound nice in theory, but in reality do not belong to Afghanistan? For in the past many failures have been made by organizations who had good intentions, yet few results were made, notably Kosovo, Somalia, Rwanda, and many others.

So should Afghanistan either be allowed to be carved-up or de-Islamized? The first option appears possible and territorial boundaries could be changed to allow Tajiks to join with Tajikistan; and for Uzbeks to be linked with Uzbekistan. While Shia Muslims would be allowed to unite with Iran and Pathans merge with Pakistan. Of course many communities will reside in other regions, yet all Afghan citizens should be given a choice and minorities will after decide their preserved options.

With regards to Kabul, this city could be either an independent miniature entity or an economic and political free zone. Remember, Singapore was small in size, however, her economic development must be admired and by having a free and open Kabul the international community can maintain a small United Nations military force to police this area.

Thismay sound strange, yet look at the benefits, for you would be giving economic aid to nation states who could absorb their own ethnic groups much easier. And major international aid could be directed to regional governments and all major international bodies like NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, World Bank, UN, and so on must be involved; alongside regional structures in order to break the endless problems of Afghanistan which spill over to neighboring nations.

The other alternative would be to de-Islamize conservative Islam in Afghanistan, and this applies to education, womens welfare, law being based on secularism, and other important issues. This may be deemed imperialist, however, for the future generations of Afghanistan this is their only hope. Otherwise women will continue to be abused and children will be brainwashed by conservative Islamic clerics and another generation will be lost to poverty and hatred.

Of course I can hear liberals and Muslims alike denouncing this "imperialist idea," yet look at the alternative. You will have continuing conflict between different ethnic groups based on ethnicity, religion or based on clan loyalty; while women will be mere objects and they will remain in the " shadows." While criminality will destabilize regional nations and heroin production will continue to grow.

Added to this will be a continuing economic burden on many nations without any results and possible future open hostility aimed at the international community. While conservative Islam will continue to "strangle" society and Islamic radicals could once more destabilize Central Asia and Western China.

If American policy was to solely eradicate Islamic radicalism, then this will ultimately fail, for Afghanistan, like Somalia, will continue to be a failed nation and hotbeds of terrorism will remain. Also, regional nations in Central Asia, China, Iran, the Russian Federation, Pakistan, and other nations, deserve better, for they all helped America in her quest to destroy Islamic fundamentalism.

One thing is for sure, and that is Afghanistan is no Cyprus, and taking the easy way and preserving the status quo will ultimately fail. So will brave policy makers come forward and challenge current modes of thinking based on status quo? This applies to either de-Islamization or allowing Afghanistan to disintegrate.

The children of Afghanistan and women deserve a chance? And current policy concepts are not allowing this to happen. Instead the old Afghanistan of ethnic and religious hatred is growing and women are secondary subjects. So for the children of Afghanistan and women, lets give them hope and the chance to "breathe" from the endless cycle of hopelessness.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Sunday, July 27, 2008

ZIMBABWE - Can Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara survive the handshake of Robert Mugabe?

ZIMBABWE - Can Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara survive the handshake of Robert Mugabe? July 27, 2008

The situation in Zimbabwe remains bleak but recently a new and dramatic change took place, this was the sudden agreement between Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai. However, for many shocked Zimbabweans they do not trust Mugabe because people remember what happened to Zapu and they fear that the MDC will also be swallowed up by Zanu (PF). So can Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara survive the deeds of Mugabe and the ruling Zanu (PF)?

If we take a step back into history and remember the situation in the 1980s, then it is clear that Mugabe and his ruling party know how to deal with complex and bloody situations. After all, the late Joshua Nkomo, who led the Ndebele people, caved in after major intimidation and Zapu became history. The same methods were used, for example around 20,000 people were killed and mass persecution took place. However, Mugabe managed to salvage the situation by out-foxing Zapu and a unity government became a one-party state, in all but name, under the power and control of Mugabe.

Therefore, the supporters of Tsvangirai and Mutambara have been beaten, abused, killed, persecuted, and marginalized. However, both opposition leaders were tenacious and they refused to give up the ghost and instead they challenged Mugabe. Yet by entering power-sharing talks and shaking hands with Mugabe, then clearly Mugabe appears to holding all the aces. After all, this could lead to divisions within the MDC who don`t agree with Tsvangirai and Mutambara. More important, it is clear that Mugabe can use all the state apparatus he needs in order to manipulate the situation.

For people on the ground they must be shattered by this outcome because many remained loyal to the MDC. Yet now the leaders of the MDC may become tainted by sharing power with Mugabe. After all, the grass root supporters of the MDC are on the frontline because many reside in grinding poverty or have been forced to flee Zimbabwe.

Also, other Zimbabweans are worried about the role of South Africa within the internal affairs of Zimbabwe. This is due to President Mbeki, the leader of South Africa, who supports a national unity government. For many Zimbabwean people, South Africa is a negative factor within the environment of Zimbabwe because Mbeki is more concerned about maintaining the status quo.

However, could it just be that Tsvangirai and Mutambara are playing their cards well? After all, the Mugabe of the 1980s was strong and many people were still behind Mugabe in this period. However, today the economy is in complete crisis and inflation is a nightmare. Also, age is catching up with Mugabe and despite him pulling the strings, it is clear that the strings have been weakened because of the negative economic situation in Zimbabwe. So maybe Tsvangirai and Mutambara are looking to the future and the natural demise of Mugabe?

Overall, it is clear that Tsvangirai and Mutambara are playing a dangerous game and the MDC could follow the Zapu route? However, it is also true that the ruling party is much weaker and Zapu did not have the overall appeal like the MDC does. Therefore, all sides may be trying to out-fox each other but it is clear that Mugabe is a dogged leader and he does know how to maintain power and control. Given this, the next six months will be crucial for Zimbabwe and Tsvangirai and Mutambara must be strong in order to prevent another "political coup" via deception.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Friday, July 25, 2008

Japan and the suicide problem

JAPAN and the suicide problem

The nation of Japan is a real enigma because the murder rate is very low when compared with other nations which are highly developed. However, this rate means little when we add the 33,000 nationals per year who kill themselves because this clearly shows you that something is going wrong within Japan. Therefore, why is suicide such an issue in Japan and what is the government and other organizations doing to stem the tide?

Before we concentrate solely on Japan it is important to state that suicide happens in all nations and of course all nations have different respective problems. Yet when it comes to sheer numbers then it is clear that Japan is suffering badly. This would appear strange, after all Japan is still relatively wealthy and her infrastructure is highly developed. Yet something is clearly amiss in this nation.

Of course you will have many factors and I hope to mention the major reasons for this crisis in Japan. Firstly, it is clear that thousands of people kill themselves because of work pressure and this is clearly preventable. Despite this, little is being done to stop the systematic abuse of workers in Japan. After all, the concept at many companies is that you work to you drop or you have to follow the example of your manager or manageress, therefore, peer pressure is very high. Therefore, the "salaryman" syndrome is clearly a problem and thousands of people in this bracket take their lives because they feel trapped and without little hope of freedom.

Secondly, we even have a breakdown amongst younger people because not only do young teenagers suffer from suicide but they also suffer, alongside other age groups, from hikikomori. The reasons for hikikomori are complex but it is clear that social pressure, a heavy school load, the need for conformity, the inability to communicate, the inability to understand reality, and other factors, are behind this major problem. So stress and social pressure is both strong within the education system and within the work environment. Given this, many people feel trapped and lost, and the ability to escape via the mobile, internet, playstation, and so forth, means that another world is being created where natural communication is not needed.

Thirdly, the role of Buddhism must be questioned because despite this faith appearing weak on the outside, it is still within the thinking structure of Japan. So why is Buddhism negative with regards to suicide in Japan? Well this applies to the theory of reincarnation and the glorification of suicide in the past. After all, Buddhists believe in thousands of lives and reincarnation supports the theory of many lives whereby people zoom back to life within a short period of time. If we connect this with computer games which are not based on reality, then escapism is clearly a way of life for many Japanese people and this can come via either factor.

Of course Buddhism exists in other nations, however, it is potent in Japan when fused with culture because Japanese culture does glorify suicide. For example this is expressed elegantly via no or via customs related to the samurai, which in turn was handed down during World War Two via the kamikaze. To make matters worse, a minority of modern Japanese films also make this custom appear to be noble and part of the culture of Japan. Therefore, suicide appears to be within the thought-patterns of many people within Japan. So the unreal world of the internet, playstations, reincarnation, and computer games, means that this is a potent mix and it becomes even more potent when it is fused to cultural norms.

Fourthly, communication, critical thinking, and individualism, are all areas of importance. After all, a lot of communication in Japan, and other highly developed societies, goes on via the internet and cyberspace. So the unreal world is creating new boundaries whereby people feel lost or confused. Added to this is the lack of criticial thinking in Japan and the need for conformity is crushing the "souls" of many people in Japan. Therefore, individualism is not well liked and for people who can work within the group, then this is ok, but for outsiders who want to be creative, then this is a nightmare.

Sadly, despite this issue being very important it is still clear that little is being done to stem the rising tide of suicides in Japan. This issue should be of utmost importance and a national campaign which is really visible is needed, and needed badly. Yet this is not happening because the majority of Japanese people appear to be apathetic when it comes to demanding their rights. Given this, the leaders of Japan are turning a blind eye to this tragic aspect of Japanese culture.

Overall, it is clear that many factors apply to this tragic issue and of course other important factors that I have not mentioned are also equally important. For example, many Japanese people appear to be unable to argue or express their real thinking and of course this is leading to major frustrations and group suicides is also a major problem in Japan. Therefore, if working conditions are not improved and the notion of reincarnation is not challenged, then some Japanese people are going to look to suicide in order to escape from this life.

These areas, and the need to reduce stress and to challenge conformity are vital but will anything change in the near future? I fear not, therefore, the land of Hello Kitty is turning on itself and the world of reality and unreality will continue to overlap in Japan. Therefore, the body bags will continue to rise and more sorrow will be inflicted on loved ones who have been left behind. Given this, suicide will continue to cause havoc in Japan and it may get worse before it gets better. So will "real" political leaders stand up to this crisis or will it be another false dawn?

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Thursday, July 24, 2008

HOLLAND - Liberalism versus a growing nationalism

HOLLAND - Liberalism versus a growing nationalism

Holland was once viewed to be the liberal heartland of Europe where many boundaries were thrown out of the window. However, in recent times the far-right and right-wing forces are growing in power and this nationalist undertone may change the political system of Holland? So why are liberals in reverse in their man made false homeland?

Once factor for growing nationalism in Holland is the growing immigrant population, notably Islamic immigration because it is very sizeable in all the major cities of this nation. Also, the clashes of culture within Dutch society and within different thought patterns by immigrants is leading to many confusions. Therefore, Dutch nationalists are not only aghast by the high immigrant population, but they are fed-up with rampant liberalism within Holland.

It must be remembered that two major killings have happened in Holland by Islamic fanatics, for example the leader of Holland was murdered and a famous artist. After these attacks you had internal attacks on both churches and mosques by both sides. However, it was a wake up call within Holland because it is clear evidence that some people want to dictate to the Dutch people and impose their ways. So after these events the far-right and milder nationalist forces gained in influence.

Also, within Dutch culture you have a battle ground because some parts of Holland is very liberal but other areas are really conservative and staunchly Christian. Holland itself is really divided and for decades the secularists and liberals dominated. However, laws which allowed prostitution and mild drugs, and other laws, were not welcomed by large sections of society within Holland and this led to political tensions. Therefore, Dutch society is in a flux at the moment and politics is very potent in this society.

So the struggle goes on between nationalistic forces and liberal forces, and of course the immigrant situation adds fuel to the fire. The future of Holland is up for grabs because soon Dutch people will be minorities in major cities if things don`t change. Given this, it is vital that the "soul" and "culture" of Holland is won now because in the future it may be too late. From this point of view, I support a milder nationalist movement which preserves Holland and its main religion and culture.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Monday, July 21, 2008

KOSOVO is still in crisis because nations divided about this so-called new nation

Kosovo obtained part independence when America and many European nations gave the go ahead for the creation of this new nation. However, it is clear that things are not plain sailing because many other nations did not support this elitist adventure, therefore, the wider international community was ignored. So today we have a situation where some nations support this new state, however, the majority of nations in Africa, Asia, and South America, do not! Also, the Russian Federation, Spain, and some other European nations, refuse to accept this American led adventure. So what does the future hold for Kosovo?

Firstly, the current status of limbo is a shock to America and many European nations because they believed that the majority of other nations would follow suit, however, at the moment this isn`t happening. Therefore, the influence of the Russian Federation, China, and other nations who are against the independence of Kosovo, is much deeper than America imagined. Also, many nations are aghast by the elitism of this new venture and of course many nations worry that the same may happen to them.

Another negative side effect is the fact that Abkhazia in Georgia, and other would be nations in other parts of the world, claim that they have the same natural rights. Of course the United States, the United Kingdom, and others, are claiming that Kosovo is unique, but of course this is not based on reality because you have too many conflicts all over the world. So a "can of worms" is the real cause and effect of this naive policy.

Also, the international community, on a whole, is saying that this colonial attitude is really not warrented and of course major institutions, like the United Nations, have been violated and the same applies to international law. So we have a genuine dilemma over this issue. Sadly, nations like the United States believe that they are above the international community because they also bypassed international law when they attacked Iraq and bombed the former Yugoslavia.

The main difference between the Second Gulf War and the bombing of Yugoslavia is the current weakness of America with regards to fighting on the ground because they can not contain either Afghanistan or Iraq. Also, theRussian Federation is no longer so weak and China, India, and other emerging powers refuse to be pushed around. Therefore, it is clear that the world is in transition at the moment and global hegemony is not se easy these days.

Within Kosovo itself you also still have major divisions and this especially applies to northern Kosovo because the Serbian minority is relatively sizeable throughout parts of northern Kosovo. Therefore, you have major flashpoints and providing the Serbians, and other minorities, remain, then it is not going to be easy to rule over all of Kosovo. Also, the international community must still guard and protect Serbians, and others, in southern Kosovo. This in itself is evidence that the institutions of Kosovo are weak.

The longer this situation remains the more confident Serbia will be because partition may still happen and this is probably the best option that Serbia can hope for. Also, the new moderate leader of Serbia who is pro-European Union helps Serbia because they have to listen to his opinions and demands, and this may lead to a face saving deal? Therefore, it is clear that much work still needs to be done and the Russian Federation is the main stumbling block for Kosovo Albanians, however, for Serbians, this nation is a blessing in disguise.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Friday, July 18, 2008

CUBA - Will changes happen under Raul Castro?

CUBA - will changes happen under Raul Castro?

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba for decades and he belonged to the old Cold War world but now because of ill health his brother is now in charge. Therefore, can Raul Castro make his mark and implement major reforms in order to galvanize the economy or will he follow the same path? Also, will Cuba be hit by political convulsions in the future if progress isn`t made?

Before we focus on Raul Castro it is vital to focus on past Cuban history briefly. After all, Fidel Castro is a global name and most people understand a little about Cuba because of him. Fidel Casto was influenced by Marxist-Leninist thinking and regional concepts too! Therefore, he merged these fusions together in order to focus on galvanizing the economy and to eradicate corruption which was widespread.

The failure of America`s foreign policy was clear during the "Bay of Pigs" and this failed venture helped Fidel Castro because he could justify one party rule after outside influence had tried to overthrow him. This event for Castro meant that he turned even more to the Soviet Union for support and the Cuban missile crisis with America was not all what it appeared. Because for the Soviet Union it was a game of chess and America now agreed to end the nuclearization of Turkey in return for the Soviet Union disbanding their ideas of a nuclear Cuba. For Fidel Castro, it was a reminder to the world that even small nations could play power politics.

Major internal achievements were made by Fidel Castro and the ruling government. For example health care and education, and in other fields too, therefore, his rule was not just based on preserving power, it was also based on helping the people of Cuba during difficult times. Remember, look at the health care systems of nations which share the same geographic space, and the same applies to education. If you do compare them, this it is abundantly clear that Cuba made major advancements unlike regional nations like El. Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Panama, Jamaica, and a host of other nations. In this sense, Cuba was revolutionary!

However, this form of government was justified under the Cold War because both the right-wing and left-wing factions in the world supported many proxy wars. Yet after the demise of the Soviet Union then a new way was needed. But Fidel Castro was not interested in the chance to open up Cuba to greater democracy and more liberal forms of economics. Yet to his credit, you did not have an internal rebellion and this says much about how people judge him because it was not just based on fear, but it was also based on genuine respect.

Therefore, can Raul Castro alter the way Cuba is ruled because now the economy needs a fresh boost? Well, now it is to early to say completely because the chain of command still remains tight and of course Raul Castro belongs to the state machinery which rules Cuba. Yet he could alter once in power and already he supports more land reforms in order to boost productivity and he also appears to be open to the Roman Catholic Church.

It could just be that Raul Castro tries to leave his mark and he knows that he must act quickly if he wants to do this. Therefore, the next six months will tell us a lot about his real motives and ideas. If changes are to happen, then they should happen in the near future but he may do this via economic liberalization while maintaining firm political control. Whatever, Cuba appears to he heading for new waters and now it remains to be seen if he will "rock the boat" or the "boat will rock him?"

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ABKHAZIA - The desire for independence is getting louder!

ABKHAZIA - The desire for independence is getting louder!

The nation of Georgia faces serious internal problems and this applies to Abkhazia and South Ossetia respectively. The Abkhazians are now demanding to break free because of the Kosovo situation and they desire to create a new independent nation state or to join with the Russian Federation via special autonomy. South Ossetians are also watching events and of course they will follow suit. So can Abkhazia obtain independence?

If we look at how America and other nations, for example France and the UK, have supported the independence of Kosovo, then from an Abkhazian point of view they also have the same rights. Obviously this also applies to countless other nations where you have either frozen conflicts or ongoing problems. So Abkhazia is merely following the same logic and putting two and two together. Of course many nations warned about this but major Western powers desired to ignore this reality and their excuses are lamentable to say the least.

Yet how valid is Abkhazian independence? If we go back to the early 1990s then the demise of the former Soviet Union led to rampant nationalism and the entire region was engulfed. For example South Ossetia demanded independence from Georgia, while in neighbouring Azerbaijan they had a terrible civil war in Nagorno-Karabakh between mainly Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan. Also, southern parts of the Russian Federation were engulfed and this most notably applies to Chechnya, but also in other areas like Daghestan, Ingushetia, and North Ossetia.

Sadly since this time little progress appears to have been made and old hatreds or faultlines still exist. These faultlines are fueled by either ethnicity or religion or a mixture of both. However, the Abkhazians are both Christian and Muslim alike and most are pro-Russia because they believe that only Russia can help them in their struggle against Georgia. Yet for Georgia, this issue is like Chechnya or Dagestan in the Russian Federation, it is an internal issue.

Also, what makes this issue even more global is the energy dimension because America and Turkey, and the EU, desire to limit the roles of both the Russian Federation and Iran respectively. Given this, this issue is of strategic importance because for the Russian Federation chaos gan be used in order to spread their military leverage. Yet policies in Georgia have not helped and the central government is blighted by internal political tensions and past negative policies towards Abkhazia.

However, the "icing on the cake" for Abkhazia is the Kosovo legacy because they believe that this situation must also apply to them. Therefore, Abkhazians will increasingly grow in confidence and Georgia will feel isolated and angered by the Russian Federation. So this issue looks set to inflame passions on both sides and further bloodshed appears most likely in the near future.

Monday, July 14, 2008

SPAIN - Can central forces defeat uncentral forces?

SPAIN - Central forces defeat uncentral forces?

Spain remains to be divided because of major ethnic lines but often outsiders remain either unconcerned about this, or they are oblivious to the current political situation in Spain. However, many people in the Basque and Catalan areas of Spain desire independence. However, will central forces allow this or will they contain these forces via centralization?

Before we focus on Spain it is clear that this is a very important topic for Spain because this is one of the main reasons why Spain remains reluctant to acknowledge Kosovo. Because the government of Spain is worried that Kosovo will be used by both Basque and Catalan nationalists. Therefore, Spain remain very cautious about supporting new nation states. In truth, you could argue that this policy is consistent with the self interests of Spain.

Another outside factor is the role of the European Union (EU) because it is ironic that the new superstate is absorbing mega-states but for smaller nationalities they see the EU in a different light. Because for smaller ethnic groups they believe that the EU will support their cause more and because the EU weakens the central state via legal institutions and shared interests; then smaller ethnic groups hope to benefit from this. They also hope to gain more funding in order to educate their own people and to further develop their nationalistic vision.

However, for Spain they are adamant that a unified Spain is essential and they will not tolerate the break up of their nation state. Given this, the government uses every terrorist attack in order to boost their more draconian policies, which are aimed at destroying nationalism. Also, in all fairness to Spain, they do not see their state to be biased and all citizens have natural rights via the constitution and the democratic rights of this nation.

Yet for Basque and Catalan nationalists this is not the point, for they desire liberty and the right to create their own respective nation states in order to boost their culture and way of life. Of course Spain retorts back that central government is open and free. However, the other two communities believe it is their natural right and they are against central control. Also, Catalans could point out that they would be more wealthy without Spain because Barcelona and other areas within the Catalan heartlands are more than viable, indeed, they are the vibrant areas of Spain.

Given this, can Spain defeat uncentralized forces in the future and forge a nation state which merges the two other ethnic groups? For in todays Spain many Basques and Catalans believe that the current nation state is flawed and undemocratic because it does not abide by the wishes of others. So it is apparent that this issue is far from resolved and future tensions will remain.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

UNITED NATIONS: Undemocratic foundation and major power manipulation, so what is the point?

UNITED NATIONS: Undemocratic foundation and major power manipulation, so what is the point?

The United Nations often likes to see itself in noble terms and it espouses high and lofty ideals. However, is the United Nations a mere talking shop and an organization which is open to big power manipulation? Also, what is the role of democracy in this undemocratic institution?

Firstly, it is clear that democracy was never a goal of the United Nations despite all the hype because look at its past history. For example both the Soviet Union and China under despotic leaders had veto rights, and clearly during the Cold War all major powers abused their power. So how could leaders like Mao Zedong have veto power even during events like the Cultural Revolution?

On the other side, how many times did America violate the United Nations? Obviously they violated the charter many times and many American invasions of other nations were never backed by the United Nations. Despite this, the USA could easily bypass this organization and do what they desired and this of course undermined the United Nations. Given this, all superpowers abused this organization and often it was just a talking shop and even this was tainted by political motives.

Even since the demise of the Cold War its weakness remains. After all, America ignored the United Nations when they bombed both Yugoslavia and Iraq. More alarming, democracy still does not matter and nations like China still have veto powers. Also, other nations like Saudi Arabia, for example, clearly violate the rights of many citizens and all non-Muslim communities. While on the other extreme, Israel ignores many resolutions which have been held against this nation and clearly it doesn`t matter either way.

So why continue with this flawed organization in the 21st century? Well for some people it is the only hope despite its many flaws and it is better than nothing. Also, for optimists they believe that it can be reformed via gradual powers which enshrine democracy and religious freedom. However, surely this idealistic organization will always remain to be tainted by power politics and self interest? Therefore, why not either make complete reforms based on real power or just eradicate this moribund organization?

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

GEORGIA, can this fragile nation survive in the future?

Georgia - Can this fragile nation survive in the future?

Georgia is one of the oldest Christian nations in the world, however, her recent history is beset with many problems. You have major independent movements in both Abkhazia and South Ossetia who are both pro-Russian Federation. Also, ethnic Armenians and others also share tensions with this nation within the current boundaries of Georgia. Therefore, what does the future hold for Georgia?

Under the current leader of Georgia it is a mixed picture because he does appear to be more open to the Russian Federation. Yet he is still in the Western camp and he desires to join NATO and for Georgia to be a major transit of oil and gas via Azerbaijan and then passing through Turkey (with Georgia being in the middle). Therefore, Georgia still remains isolated within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) bar Ukraine and Azerbaijan who also look Westwards.

More alarming for Georgia is her internal situation because it remains to be very delicate and both Abkhazia and South Ossetia desire either independence or to join the Russian Federation. For the Russian Federation this is an headache because they support the right for Kosovo to remain within Serbia, therefore, it is not so easy to support the disintegration of Georgia. But if Georgia oversteps herself then problems would arise because politics within Georgia itself is also divided.

Armenia is also worried about Georgia because Azerbaijan and Turkey are hostile to Armenia and Azerbaijan is developing her military. Therefore, Christian and Muslim tensions may erupt once more in Nagorno-Karabakh? If so, then Armenians may also claim a small part of Georgia`s land and this could further inflame the fragile deadlock? So Georgia is a victim of her geopolitical reality.

Overall, it would appear that the continuing stalemate will continue and this will not really help anyone. However it is much better than having major convulsions and facing possible disintegration. Yet if Georgia does firmly enter the Western camp then we do not know how the Russian Federaion will respond.

Tensions will also remain within both Abkhazia and South Ossetia respectively and within the body politics of Georgia? Added to this is the fragile economy and internal discontent and the pro-democratic movement which is also too impatient. Therefore, the situation will remain cloudy for Georgia and her future will remain uncertain with regards to her current boundaries.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Monday, July 7, 2008

ETHIOPIA - Going it mainly alone in Somalia in order to tackle radical Islam

ETHIOPIA - Going it mainly alone in Somalia in order to tackle radical Islam

In December 2006 the Ethiopian government dislodged the Islamists from power in order to bring some hope and also to prevent the spread of radical Islam. Shortly after Ethiopia crushed the Islamists in Mogadishu they appealed for global help and support. However, the international community appeared to turn a blind eye, with notable acceptions being Uganda and some other nations who gave basic support. Therefore, why did major powers ignore Ethiopia?

The answer is not that simple because major problems already exist throughout the world and of course the mass media focuses on Iraq the most. However, if radical Islamists managed to rule in Somalia then this nation could destabilise the entire region. Also, Islamic terrorists could use this nation in order to cause mayhem in other nations. This reality was obvious for the government of Ethiopia, however, they feel betrayed because of being let down by the international community.

Since dislodging the Islamists from power in late 2006 the Ethiopian government suffered the usual war syndrome, just like America in Iraq, because the insurgents have hit back via breathing space. Given this reality, the Ethiopian government is alarmed by her neighbour Eritrea because this nation is causing chaos in the Islamic heartlands of eastern Ethiopia. Eritrea is also helping the Islamists in Somalia via economic support and of course wealthy Saudi nationals and organizations are also involved in this crisis.

Therefore, the noble policy enacted by Ethiopia is now in danger because of the growing insurgency and lack of outside support. If Ethiopia fails, then more chaos may spread to Sudan and other nations. Also, Ethiopia will face enormous internal problems and this situation is extremely grave now.

So why did the international community fail Ethiopia? Maybe for America, it is the terrible memories of their failed Somalian policy in the past? And for the EUmaybe they believe that this war is too distant for them? In Africa it is more complex because many nations fear the chaos of Somalia and many internal problems also exist. However, at the very least the international community should be giving major economic and military support to Ethiopia.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Sunday, July 6, 2008

USA - President Bush is trying to undermine the Russian Federation via Georgia and the Ukraine joining NATO.

USA - President Bush it trying to undermine the Russian Federation via Georgia and the Ukraine

President George Bush will leave office in the near future, however, before this he appears to desire a more robust foreign policy aimed at alienating the Russian Federation. More alarming, the majority of people in the Czech Republic and the Ukraine are against his policies. Yet despite this both NATO expansion and the American missile defense system are being pushed and who is this aimed at? For most people the answer is obvious, it is aimed at the Russian Federation. So why does he desire to create another negative front?

This question rankles many people in the Russian Federation because instead of a collective organization or understanding based on geopolitics, we are merely seeing NATO expansion eastwards. It is clear that America believes that Russia`s only collective space should apply to the Russian Federation. Outside this, then all former Soviet states apart from the Russian Federation are deemed to be possible future members of NATO.

Behind all the smiles and rhetoric of President Bush it is clear that he, and policy advisers, are intent on encircling the Russian Federation and this lattest idea is really mocking this nation. After all, look at both Georgia and Ukraine, they are neither stable or bastions of democracy. Also, the vast majority of people in the Ukraine do not want to join NATO but this does not matter. Instead we get the American mantra that expansion and her missile defence system is aimed at Iran. Only someone very naive would belive that!

So let us look at Georgia and why allowing this nation would be dangerous. Firstly, Georgia is deemed important to America because of geopolitics and the West desires to use both Azerbaijan and Georgia in order to bypass the Russian Federation via energy links. By doing this, then both the Russian Federation and Iran will lose out. Secondly, Georgia is probably the most anti-Russian state in the region because of past history so America can garner support more easily in this nation.

However, and this is the crux, Georgia is far from being a stable democracy because of both internal politics and because of her internal ethnic divisions. If Georgia joins NATO then does this mean that NATO forces will crush Abkhazia and South Ossetia? Because both Abkhazia and South Ossetia desire independence from Georgia. So if Georgia is not even a unitary state now, then how can this nation join NATO? If I was either an Abkhazian or South Ossetian I would be worried.

Then if we turn to the Ukraine then it is abundantly clear that this nation is always on the brink of political meltdown because tensions arise frequently. Also, in the east of this nation you have many ethnic Russians and they certainly do not desire NATO membership. More alarmingly, this nation could certainly be used to launch an offensive against the Russian Federation and this will of course lead to fresh tensions.

Therefore, NATO membership must be stopped and it is up to nations like Germany to stop this American "madness." You don`t have any justification for encircling the Russian Federation like this. America appears to be bent on causing divisions in the Balkans, the Middle East, Northeast Asia, and in Eurasia.

So nations must stand up to this policy of divide and rule. Because this policy is clearly aimed at containing the Russian Federation and you have no justification for doing this. Does America want to contain the entire world, from China to the Russian Federation and then Venezuela. Surely geopolitics is about understanding self-interests of regional powers. However, America is now bent on global containment and this policy is not valid in the 21st century.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Saturday, July 5, 2008

SWEDEN - Worried about her immigration policy?

The nation of Sweden opened her doors to tens of thousands of immigrants from Iraq and Somalia respectively, however, today many people are questioning this policy. At first, Sweden welcomed many Iraqi nationals, many who were Christians fleeing Islamic violence, but after taking in more than 40,000 from the former Iraq alone, and from other nations, then now tensions are emerging. So will Sweden tighten up her laws in order to maintain greater social unity or will a multi ethnic state develop?

To be fair to Sweden it is clear that her population is only small and her economic power is based on being unifed and focusing on high quality education. Therefore, her society developed amongst the secular traditions of this nation and culture united the people, and of course high technology abounded in this high tech nation. However, her resources are limited and her welfare state was designed to be a safety net and not based on maintaining a huge immigrant population, many who are fleeing terrible persecution.

Now strains can be seen within the capital of Sweden and other major cities, therefore, questions are now being raised about immigration, culture, religion, and the negative sides of immigration. To make matters worse, some immigrant groups are less likely to fit in within the cultural traditions of Sweden and this is also leading to tensions. Also, domestic welfare spending is increasing and this is creating socail pressures and the government is now re-thinking their many policies on this subject.

Of course, other Swedish people believe that the government is being too hasty. While others fear that the government is pandering to nationalists, therefore, the nation is divided on this issue. Yet some negative sides of immigration are emerging, irrespective if this is financial, or higher crime rates, or a loss of identity. Given this, the leaders of Sweden are now soul searching and trying to find an answer to this complex issue.

However, can they find a simple answer to this complex issue? Will tightening immigration laws work anddoes it fit in with the secular traditions of Sweden. Also, you have the positive side of immigration, so will Sweden miss out? These questions, and many others, are now being debated seriously and of couse the government must listen to the Swedish people.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Thursday, July 3, 2008

CHINA and the need to modernize her miltary

The nation of China continues to increase her military build up and sometimes you get negative press about this reality. However, from a neutral perspective or Chinese perspective, then this military build up is merely natural and no different from other major powers. Therefore, should major powers worry about China or is it merely mind games or scare mongering by certain nations?

If we look at the region of Northeast Asia then it is more than apparent that this region is very diverse and varied. This applies to geography, economics, politics, religion, ethnicity, and many other factors. Added to this diverse reality is the nuclear dimension and the fact that many major global military powers are based in this region. From this point of view it is abundantly clear that tensions will exist within the body politic of Northeast Asia.

The nuclear dimension alone is more than fascinating because America, China, the Russian Federation, and North Korea, are all nuclear powers and of course Japan is a nuclear power de facto because of her protection by the USA and because of past policies, whereby they allowed America to use nuclear submarines in the Sea of Japan. Also, on the horizon and within the geopolitics of China, you have India and Pakistan. Given this, the nuclear dimension is extremely complex and this factor increases the importance of Northeast Asia.

If we look at the geopolitics of China then it is clear that they overlap in many parts of Asia. For example Central Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, Eurasia, the Mekong region and South China Sea region. This vast area is very diverse and China faces multiple challenges with regards to expanding her influence and defending any weak areas within her geopolitical reality. Her main challenge may appear to be Taiwan but this issue is contained within a small geographic region; therefore, her relationship with America is of major concern.

If we look at trade investments between America and China, then just like China and Taiwan, wesee enormous economic linkages and mutual ties and respect. However, in the field of hegemony then China worries about certain aspects of America`s foreign policy. After all, the USA have her military based in Japan and South Korea respectively and they are developing Guam in order to increase their leverages. Also, the USA have bases in other parts of Asia and her relationship with Australia is another added dimension.

Therefore, China is concerned about this American reality and they also fear a possible nationalist Japan in the future and India, because Chinese-Indian relations are still fragile despite all the smiles. So China is right to worry about vast areas of her geopolitical space and this nation also fears radical Islam entering China via Western China. This reality is pushing China to move closer to the Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In recent times this can be seen via the growing importance of the Shanghai-6 political bloc and recent military excersises with the Russian Federation, and anti-terrorist excersises with nations from the CIS.

Also, if we focus on military spending then it is clear that America spends around 90% more than China and other nations, for example India, also spend more than China. This merely proves the point within the inner circle in China because it is clear that China is merely protecting her national interests and they are no different from other regional powers. Given this, her political and military leaders desire to modernize her military forces in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Therefore, surely China is right to increase her military budget?

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

RUSSIAN FEDERATION and her main security concerns

RUSSIAN FEDERATION and her main security concerns

The vastness of the Russian Federation is enormous and this nation is clearly Eurasian in terms of landmass and ethnicity. Therefore, the security concerns of this nation is also vast and complex. In recent times the leaders of this nation have been worried about both NATO expansion and the rise of radical Islam in parts of southern Russia. However, other major concerns also exist, therefore, what are the main security concerns for the Russian Federation?

One major internal concern applies to the rise of radical Islam in parts of Southern Russia and in other parts of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In the 1990s a lot of special attention was put on Chechnya and the surrounding region. The bloody civil war which erupted in Chechnya was clear evidence that this was a genuine threat because the green flag of Islam was raised. This rebellion led to many deaths and the military armed forces of the Russian Federation were clearly tested. To make matters worse, Chechen Islamists also used terrorism in order to threaten the Russian Federation and they spread their version of Sunni Islam to other parts of southern Russia.

Also, in Tajikistan, the green flag of Islam challenged the central government and this naiton only survived because of the role of the Russian Federation and combined forces of the CIS. While other nations, notably Uzbekistan, have had serious problems with radical Islam, therefore, the leaders of the Russian Federation clearly understand the importance of unity within the CIS.

Given this, the armed forces of the Russian Federation have to be prepared at all times.
A completely different threat comes from NATO and this organization desires to expand throughout the geographic space and influence of the Russian Federation. Therefore, ex President, Vladimir Putin, was often at loggerheads with NATO and he demanded a stop to NATO expansion. Therefore, Vladimir Putin, and now the new leader, Medvedev, are trying to keep both the Ukraine and Georgia out of NATO. Also, the Russian Federation is worried about nations within Central Asia and they are seriously worried about the intentions of America in this strategic region.

One major area of success, however, is Russia`s advancement in Asia and this applies to very strong ties with China, India, and Iran, respectively; and of course the same applies to strong relations with all the Asian nations which belong to the CIS. In the past relations were extremely cordial with India during the Soviet Union period and today the same applies since the demise of the Soviet Union. However, relations with China have reached new heights and President Medvedev also made a point of visiting China rather than any other major global power.

Therefore, the Asian borderlands with diverse nations is relatively stable because of cordial relations and this means that the Russian Federation can focus on other strategic regions. Also, the role of Russia`s military equipment and technology is the cornerstone of both the armed forces of China and India. Of course this will be reduced in the future, however, ties and military sales will still be potent. Another binding card is the need to stop or prevent American hegemony, therefore, China, India, and the Russian Federation have a lot to gain from strong military and political ties.

Another recent major factor applies to energy politics because the Russian Federation is increasing her regional power via energy. Also, the European Union, and nations like Germany, understand the importance of Russia`s influence. Given this, the Russian Federation have enticed Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia, to agree to an alternative energy pipeline and this in turn will strengthen the power of the Russian Federation. The European Union also understands the importance of energy politics and this issue is certain to be raised many times in the future.

Energy politics is also important in Asia and within the next 20 years Northeast Asia will get at least 30% of all energy supplies from the Russian Federation. So it is clear that the influence of this nation is increasing and it will continue to do so in the near future. Other nations, notably America and Japan, must understand that times are changing and it is better to work alongside the Russian Federation rather than always being hostile or passive, at best.

Overall, the Russian Federation is now going to focus on modernizing her armed forces because of the oil and gas boom. At the same time, the Russian Federation is using energy in order to boost international influence. Another major are of growth applies to relations with India and China, and the Shanghai 6 and CIS organizations also strengthen Russia`s influence throughout Central Asia. Of course negative areas remain, notably radical Islam in southern Russia, relations with America, demographic factors, NATO, and other factors; despite this, the future looks bright for the Russian Federation providing economic growth can be maintained.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA