Wednesday, July 9, 2008

UNITED NATIONS: Undemocratic foundation and major power manipulation, so what is the point?

UNITED NATIONS: Undemocratic foundation and major power manipulation, so what is the point?

The United Nations often likes to see itself in noble terms and it espouses high and lofty ideals. However, is the United Nations a mere talking shop and an organization which is open to big power manipulation? Also, what is the role of democracy in this undemocratic institution?

Firstly, it is clear that democracy was never a goal of the United Nations despite all the hype because look at its past history. For example both the Soviet Union and China under despotic leaders had veto rights, and clearly during the Cold War all major powers abused their power. So how could leaders like Mao Zedong have veto power even during events like the Cultural Revolution?

On the other side, how many times did America violate the United Nations? Obviously they violated the charter many times and many American invasions of other nations were never backed by the United Nations. Despite this, the USA could easily bypass this organization and do what they desired and this of course undermined the United Nations. Given this, all superpowers abused this organization and often it was just a talking shop and even this was tainted by political motives.

Even since the demise of the Cold War its weakness remains. After all, America ignored the United Nations when they bombed both Yugoslavia and Iraq. More alarming, democracy still does not matter and nations like China still have veto powers. Also, other nations like Saudi Arabia, for example, clearly violate the rights of many citizens and all non-Muslim communities. While on the other extreme, Israel ignores many resolutions which have been held against this nation and clearly it doesn`t matter either way.

So why continue with this flawed organization in the 21st century? Well for some people it is the only hope despite its many flaws and it is better than nothing. Also, for optimists they believe that it can be reformed via gradual powers which enshrine democracy and religious freedom. However, surely this idealistic organization will always remain to be tainted by power politics and self interest? Therefore, why not either make complete reforms based on real power or just eradicate this moribund organization?

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA