HOLLAND - Liberalism versus a growing nationalism
Holland was once viewed to be the liberal heartland of Europe where many boundaries were thrown out of the window. However, in recent times the far-right and right-wing forces are growing in power and this nationalist undertone may change the political system of Holland? So why are liberals in reverse in their man made false homeland?
Once factor for growing nationalism in Holland is the growing immigrant population, notably Islamic immigration because it is very sizeable in all the major cities of this nation. Also, the clashes of culture within Dutch society and within different thought patterns by immigrants is leading to many confusions. Therefore, Dutch nationalists are not only aghast by the high immigrant population, but they are fed-up with rampant liberalism within Holland.
It must be remembered that two major killings have happened in Holland by Islamic fanatics, for example the leader of Holland was murdered and a famous artist. After these attacks you had internal attacks on both churches and mosques by both sides. However, it was a wake up call within Holland because it is clear evidence that some people want to dictate to the Dutch people and impose their ways. So after these events the far-right and milder nationalist forces gained in influence.
Also, within Dutch culture you have a battle ground because some parts of Holland is very liberal but other areas are really conservative and staunchly Christian. Holland itself is really divided and for decades the secularists and liberals dominated. However, laws which allowed prostitution and mild drugs, and other laws, were not welcomed by large sections of society within Holland and this led to political tensions. Therefore, Dutch society is in a flux at the moment and politics is very potent in this society.
So the struggle goes on between nationalistic forces and liberal forces, and of course the immigrant situation adds fuel to the fire. The future of Holland is up for grabs because soon Dutch people will be minorities in major cities if things don`t change. Given this, it is vital that the "soul" and "culture" of Holland is won now because in the future it may be too late. From this point of view, I support a milder nationalist movement which preserves Holland and its main religion and culture.
Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA