Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Russian Federation supports autonomy for Abkhazia in Georgia

Russian Federation supports autonomy for Abkhazia in Georgia

The Russian Federation supports autonomy for Abkhazia in Georgia and PM Putin is adamant that this is the best solution. After all, the US educated leader of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, stated that autonomy was the best solution. However, after the Russian Federation sent unarmed military troops to Abkhazia, leaders in Georgia have been quick to rebuke the Russian Federation. Therefore, will a clash develop between both nations or will this crisis be contained?

For the Russian Federation, and Abkhazian leaders, this is a case of American and European double standards, because what is the difference between Abkhazia and Kosovo? Therefore, why does America and Europe believe that one nation should obtain independence while the other should remain under the central state? Given this, then surely Western leaders must view their stance in light of their recent action over Kosovo.

Also, NATO expansion is making the situation worse and both Georgia and the Ukraine have talked about joining NATO. However, from Russia`s perspective, then surely Georgia is trying to upset the applecart and it is this action which is leading to even more tensions. So why is Georgia bent on joining NATO?

The main reasons for Georgia wanting to join NATO are geographical insecurity, anti-Russian motives, pro-Western factors, and the need to build bridges with all the leading institutions within Europe. Also, Georgia is playing the "great game" with regards to energy politics. So this is also important and Georgia is clearly supporting the USA and Turkey with regards to energy politics. However, this, like NATO, is seen to be over the top and aimed at the Russian Federation.

Also, we can not forget about the genuine problems from the outset which have blighted Georgia and this notably applies to nationalism. Therefore, the more Georgia looks to the West, the more Abkhazia looks to the Russian Federation and of course sooner or later a major clash may erupt? Given this, Georgia should become more pragmatic towards the Russian Federation.

However, at the moment the leaders of Georgia appear to be more focused about internal issues and supporting America and the European Union. So, from a Russian Federation perspective, it is clear that some Western nations are interested in causing turmoil in Russia`s backyard via Georgia. Therfore, the leaders of Georgia must find a fresh way in order to move closer to the Russian Federation.

Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA