KOSOVO - Serbia and her natural rights need to be considered
Recent international events in the Balkans may cause major rifts within the international community because of the way the USA and many members of the EU violated both international law and the United Nations. It is clear that consensus was neither sought or desired when the outcome wasn`t deemed suitable to either the USA or major powers within the EU. Nations like the Russian Federation and China, but many others, for example India, are worried about this current international crisis. Because all these nations, and many more, face internal problems themselves and if Kosovo, then why not Abkhazia, Biafra, Catalonia, and countless other places throughout the world?
The reasons given are much to simplistic because some people argue that past events justify the need for an independent Kosovo ruled by the Albanian majority. But how valid is this? After all, you have had countless numbers of wars since World War Two and surely this reasoning must apply to other parts of the world? However, it clearly doesn`t apply to other parts of the world and this is the problem!
More worrying, it is clear that major nations are not concerned about other nations throughout the world and they believe that they have the moral right to do what they desire. However, this smacks of past colonial attitudes and nations like the Russian Federation, China, and India, are not happy with this abrupt way of thinking.
Also, in recent times it is the Christian Serbs, Gypsies, and other minorities, who are suffering in Kosovo, and you not only have ethnic and religious killings, but you also have cultural destruction. This is happening under the so-called protection of NATO and the United Nations. Therefore, if minorities can not be protected by these institutions, then what hope for these people under the yoke of Albanian nationalism?
Serbia had already given in to many demands, however, what demands did the Albanians give in to? After all, Serbia stressed autonomy but within the orbit of Serbia. At the very least, then some sort of partition could have taken place via a mutual agreement but even this wasn`t on the table. Therefore, the USA and major naitons within the EU just pulled the rug away and gave everything to the mainly Muslim Albanians in Kosovo.
Is this the new democratic world order? Might rules over international law and nations can be divided on the whim of a major power? Surely this thinking must be repulsed and responsible nations must stand up and be counted.
Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA