The UN is undemocratic and manipulated, so what is the point?
The United Nations (UN) often likes to see itself in noble terms and it espouses high and lofty ideals. Therefore, the image of the UN is very positive because this organization talks about equality, human rights, collective respect, and other admirable things. However, how true is this and can the UN claim to be democratic? Also, is the United Nations a mere talking shop and an organization which is open to big power manipulation?
Firstly, it is clear that democracy was never a goal of the United Nations despite all the hype because past history and current history tells us that many despotic nations have both power within the UN or they have rights within the UN. For example during the Cold War both the Soviet Union and China were undemocratic, and China is still a one party state, however, both nations had special veto rights. Therefore, all major powers during the Cold War abused their power. So clearly the role of democracy, rule of law, social justice, and other ideals, were not met from the outset and this continues today.
Nations which are democratic also violate the United Nations because self interest is deemed to be more important? For example, the USA often violates the UN charter because you have had countless wars involving America, and in all these conflicts it did not matter either way if the UN supported America or was against this nation. Given this stark reality, the USA, and other nations, could easily bypass this organization and do what they desired and this reality clearly undermines the United Nations.
For some people who support the UN deeply the demise of the Cold War was "a window of opportunity." However, this opportunity did not materialize. After all, America ignored the United Nations when they bombed both Yugoslavia and Iraq. More alarming, democracy still does not matter and nations like China still have veto powers. Also, other nations like Saudi Arabia, for example, clearly violate the rights of many citizens and all non-Muslim communities suffer from religious discrimination in this nation. While on the other extreme, Israel, a democratic nation, ignores many resolutions which have been held against this country and clearly Israel is not too concerned about violating the UN.
It also must be stated that UN forces have also been involved in many scandals. These scandals apply to raping women, abusing children, selling military equipment for diamonds, and other terrible acts of depravity. From Bosnia to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), and in other nations, these same scandals keep on emerging. Nile Gardiner during his lecture at The Heritage Foundation, an American think-tank organization, stated "In the Congo acts of great evil and barbarism have been perpetrated by United Nations peacekeepers and civilian personnel....." Similar statements have been made about other conflicts where UN workers and peacekeepers have been abusing people who needed support and guidance.
So why continue with this flawed organization in the 21st century? Well for some people it is the only hope despite its many flaws and it is better than nothing. Also, for optimists they believe that it can be reformed via gradual powers which enshrine democracy and religious freedom. However, surely this idealistic organization will always be tainted by power politics and self interest?
Therefore, why not either make complete and transparent reforms based on real power or just eradicate this moribund organization? Either way, the current status quo is not good enough because this organization is still being held to ransom by major powers and of course this organization is blighted by its own behaviour. Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA